I have been wanting chickens for a while now. Well, last month we had a wonderful camp worker and he built me a chicken coop out of one of our old sheds (I did help a little). Then, I had a friend tell me about a lady that sells hens that are already laying eggs. I figured it would be nice to get rewarded with eggs right away, so I contacted her and last night I bought 5 Cuckoo Marans. They weight around 7-8 pounds and they are “chocolate eggers” so their eggs will be dark chocolate brown colored. I think it will be fun to get different varieties so we get different colored eggs. I get ahead of myself, first I will see how my Marans do.
I am brand new to the chicken world so I am reading and watching videos and learning alot. I learned chickens can and will eat most things humans eat. So, the chickens will get all my cooking scraps from now on. Also, they eat any bugs, including mosquitos (love that!) they come across. Right now they will be in a enclosure that is about 10 feet X 12 feet. When we build our house on the hill, I will let them free range around the house (that is the plan anyway). Then, they can eat all the bugs and grass they want AND fertilize the grass.
The hens have only been here one night, so I will update you soon and let you know how things are going.

New additions to Triple T RV Resort
Meet two additions to our Triple T Family. These two Longhorn steers will be moving to their new home, Triple T RV Resort, Kerrville, TX soon. We will begin construction on the final stage of fencing this weekend in hopes of bringing the boys to their new home in the month of September.

We need to name our two new boys. So we have decided to have a contest to let you, our friends, name our young steers. So here is the deal, go to our facebook page tripletrvresort and give us some names to think about. We will look at all of them and make a decision. The winning contestant will receive complimentary 3 consecutive RV night stays at Triple T RV Resort.
Looking for something to do in Kerrville
Looking for something to do while at Triple T RV Resort? The new River Trail in Kerrville is a beautiful way to see the Guadalupe River. The River Trail Project has been a planned concept in Kerrville, Texas since the 70's. It took many years to come about but it has finally opened. The River Trail is a day use 10' wide concrete walking and biking trail for public use. One of the places to access the trail is Louise Hays Park which is at Thompson Dr & Sidney Baker St S, Kerrville, TX. This trailhead just opened June of 2015 and has public restrooms, a large interactive fountain, covered playscape, and a new dog park with large and small dog areas.
Looking for something to do while at Triple T RV Resort? The new River Trail in Kerrville is a beautiful way to see the Guadalupe River. The River Trail Project has been a planned concept in Kerrville, Texas since the 70's. It took many years to come about but it has finally opened. The River Trail is a day use 10' wide concrete walking and biking trail for public use. One of the places to access the trail is Louise Hays Park which is at Thompson Dr & Sidney Baker St S, Kerrville, TX. This trailhead just opened June of 2015 and has public restrooms, a large interactive fountain, covered playscape, and a new dog park with large and small dog areas.
Hello again. Its been a while since I have blogged. We have been busy building cabins and hosting Winter Texans. Most of the Winter Texans have gone home for the summer so we have plenty of space for RV rallies and daily, weekly and monthly RV stays in Kerrville, Texas home of the beautiful Texas Hill Country. If you are looking for a last minute place to have an RV rally give us a call 830-634-3000, we would love to host your group.
Here is an updated picture of the cabins. My husband posted more pictures on the Triple T RV Resort facebook page .
On a personal note, Mother's Day is coming up and my daughter asked me if I wanted anything. I have told my family in the past that I think flowers are a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, I do love flowers, but if they are cut flowers from a flower shop they are expensive and they die quickly. It occured to me to get my own mother a rose bush instead of cut roses. Then, I thought, I think I would like a flowering plant, too. So, I told my daughter that I would love for her to pick out a flowering plant she thinks I would like. That way I get flowers but they last much longer than a week (at least for the season). I don't know why I never thought of this before. Just an idea for all the dads and children out there tying to figure out what to get Mom for Mother's Day.
It has been a busy Christmas season but the cabins are coming along nicely. Cabin 2 is ready and cabin 3 is half way finished. If you are interested in renting cabin 2 call or come by and check it out.
Well, once again, I have neglected by blogging. So, much has happened since last year (the last blog entry). One major thing that has happened is that we are building cabins. Construction has already begun and one cabin is almost complete. Cabin #2 and #3 are also under construction. We plan to rent them on an annual basis and they are going to make beautiful homes. They are all one bedroom cabins with a bathroom, full size kitchen, living room, and a nice covered porch.
The family & I just got back from a 2 1/2 week RV trip. We traveled 4,203 miles through 8 states. We visited Estes Park, Colorado, Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Park City, Utah, & Grand Canyon National Park. We had a great time and Wanda took good care of Triple T while we were gone. We took lots of pictures but I will just post a few.
We hosted the Discovery Texas group this weekend. They cooked and baked for each other in the lodge kitchen. It looked like they had a great time.
Yay!! The Fitness Room is finally complete. We have treadmill, stepper, elliptical, recumbent bike, Weider power tower, exercise ball, & 39" flat screen TV.
This is what the final product looked like. It is a little deeper than the old fridge and sticks out a little into the kithcen more that the old one but it is well worth it. We took a week long trip for spring break and I loved having a full size refrigerator. I am very happy with our choice.
Our Norcold refrigerator finally bit the dust. It was going to be about $2,500 for a new one or about $1000 to fix the existing one. It never kept our food as cold as we would like anyway so we decided to go for a residential refrigerator. First, we had to find one that would fit in the space of the old Norcold unit. It was more shallow, shorter and more narrow than most residential units. Finally, we found one that fit the specs (mostly). We had to remove a window to bring the old refer out and put the new one in. This is a video of how we put the new residential refer in the coach. We had about 1/2 inch clearance around the new unit. It was close!
Finally, the residential unit is in the RV. Wahooo! Now we have to fit it in the old refrigerator space.